My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When I started this book, I expected a simple story about a little girl with talking animal friends that grows up to get everything she wanted. The End. Boy, was I wrong! This book is so much more! You meet Annalise, who soon finds herself in a land that can hardly be named. She is taken many places, all the while finding her way through obstacles, and meeting people or rather, beings. Annalise learns about the person she really is, and her connection with the world around her. Like any good story, this one ends with a twist; the surprises aren't over until the end.
I will admit, sometimes I had to take this book a chapter or two at a time, since it has such a deep dose of philosophy, which you sometimes have to let sink in. But, by all means, do not let this scare you away. In fact, by the end of the book, there is almost a calming feeling about it, and you feel like Annalise, with your mind opened to thoughts that will keep surfacing long after you have finished the book. This is why I would definitely recommend this book to anyone; pre-teen to adult.
Really, I couldn't finish this review without putting in a good word for the author. Melissa Studdard sent me this book to review on my blog, and she has been so kind since. I am so glad that I can meet people like her in my blogging, and I would be happy to review any book for anyone (contact information is available at my blog). That being said, whenever I review a book for someone, the opinions in that review are mine, and I am not told to write a certain thing.
So, if you are looking for a unique book that will open your mind to new thoughts, give Six Weeks to Yehidah a try!
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